The hotel name is not completely random, it is located inside Elbele area, a hill covered by a forest of spruces, larches and beeches (Elbele in cimbro language means small alp). Is possible to visit the Elbele area walking in a beautiful trail suitable to all (known as Giro dell'Elbele). This trail starts near our hotel. Of particular relevance in this walk, the Malga Elbele, the remains of the Command Station of Virti, which was built during the World War I (1914-1918).
Folgaria has more than 3,000 inhabitants and is located in the county of Trento. Folgaria is a famous summer and winter resort located at 1168 meters above sea level and at the southern side of Mount Cornetto.
The town of Folgaria is composed of seven main villages (Costa, Serrada, Guardia, Mezzomonte, San Sebastiano, Carbonare and Nosellari) in addition to many other smaller villages.
Do not miss a visit to the characteristic Folgaria old town, the sixteenth-century church of San Valentino and the three forts Austro-Hungarian: Forte Dosso del Sommo (also called Fort of Serrada), Fort Sommo Alto and Fort Cherle. All the Forts was built before the World War I (1914 - 1918). Don't miss Guardia, the painted village.
Folgaria is about 10 kilometers far from Lavarone and 19 kilometers far from Luserna.
Lavarone, is a town of about 1,000 inhabitants composed of 19 villages distribuited throughout the territory.
In the municipal area, specifically in the village of Chiesa there is a small lake where Sigmund Freud used to walk in the early '900, when he spent his holidays in Lavarone. During summer people could swim in the lake, it has beaches with umbrellas and beds, rowing boats and pedal boats rental. During the winter you can practice ice skating. In addition, always during the winter the lake is home to a stage in learning the technique of rescue under the ice, organized by ANIS (National Association of Underwater Instructors).
Lavarone is about 10 kilometers far from Folgaria and 9 kilometers far from Luserna.
With less than 300 inhabitants, Luserna is a linguistic island cimbra, in fact the old German language is spoken everyday in this village.
Luserna shows significant witnesses of the World War I, in particular the Fort Luserna that is could reached by trail after leaving the car in the village. Fort Luserna is located on the summit of Cima Campo.
A couple of kilometers from the village you can reach the Millegrobbe cross country skiing center.
Luserna is 19 kilometers far from Folgaria and 9 kilometers far from Lavarone.
At the beginning of World War I, Lavarone, located in frontier position with the Habsburg Empire, saw its territory transformed by the Austrian military in a fortress surrounded by numerous forts (Fort Belvedere Gschwent, Fort Campo Luserna, Fort Verle, Fort Vezzena ) communicating with neighboring fortifications of Folgaria (Fort Dosso del Sommo, Fort Sommo Alto, Fort Cherle).
Also during the First World War were built a military observatory located on the top of Monte Rust and a hidden command near the neighboring town of Virti, both located near the hotel.
The most important witness currently on the territory is Fort Belvedere Gschwent, an Austro-Hungarian fort perfectly preserved which is now a museum of the World War I.
To visit along the road between Lavarone and Luserna, in the village of Malga Laghetto, it's The Prinzep Avez (silver fir), the biggest silver fir in Europe. This tree is higher than 50 meters and is reported by the State Forestry Department as monumental Italian tree. It has a circumference of 4,8 meters and an age of almost two and a half centuries.